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- Cristóbal Rovira Kaltwasser
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- Le patologie della democrazia. Dai molti all’uno: le peripezie del popolo
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- Politicising Commodification - European governance and labour politics from the financial crisis to the covid emergency
- The origins of the Amazon economy
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- Entropy economics: market power, scarcity and value
- What future for work (and for the value of work)?
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- Storia della Banca d'Italia
- Trajectories of Transnational Social Protests in Europe
- Complex Evolving Economies
- The political consequences of inequality
- The political consequences of inequality
- Carlo Azeglio Ciampi Ministro del Tesoro e l’adesione all’Euro
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- Carlo Azeglio Ciampi: la formazione, la memoria, la storia
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- Digital economy and society
- American capitalism in the age of chaos
- The new authoritarianisms and the war in Ukraine
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- Innovation, Growth and International Production
- Territorial inequalities. Welfare systems, local contexts and policy innovations
- Ukraine and Russia. Political, economic and social change over the war
- Climate change and welfare state: two worlds apart?
- Civil society in transition: changing landscapes of political engagement in Europe
- The evolution of peace movements in Europe
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- Work and unionization in the platform economy - an interview with Sarrah Kassem
- US isolationism and international projection, between dollar rhetoric and armaments. Interview with Mario del Pero
- Is US democracy likely to change with the second Trump presidency? A conversation with Nadia Urbinati
- Doug McAdam (Stanford): "Trump is the effect, not the cause of polarization. His support is based on the racial issue, never resolved."
- A new approach to the history of the EU: Interview with Kiran Klaus Patel
- Latin American and European populist right, similarities and differences according to prof. Rovira Kaltwasser
- Kathleen Thelen: Consumers and citizens, the origins of the Amazon economy
- Europe and the commodification of public services - interwiew to Roland Erne
- The Origins of the Amazon Economy - Kathleen Thelen's Ciampi Lecture
- Inequality today, an international conference
- Labour, Europe, ecological transition, three interviews with Dominique Meda
- Welfare policies between theory and reality: the virtuous case of housing policies in Vienna - Yuri Kazepov
- Riuso