
Olivier Fillieule is senior researcher at CNRS and currently professor of political sociology at the Institute of Political  Studies of the University of Lausanne (UNIL-IEP) of which he was director from 2008 to 2011. He has been Jean Monnet fellow at the IUE (Florence, IT) in 1996-1997 and invited researcher at Berkeley university (2000) and New York University (2009). In 2011, he was awarded the Mattei Dogan prize by the French Political Science Association. This prize is offered to a French speaking scholar of high international reputation in recognition of his/her contribution to the advancement of political science.  Fillieule co-founded  two research groups which have played an important role in the production and dissemination of research on social movements in Europe: The GERMM (Study Group on Contemporary Activism) in 1994 in France and the CRAPUL (Research center on political action) in 2002 in Switzerland.
He has also taken an active part to the creation of the ECPR Standing Group on Political Sociology which  provides a forum for researchers applying sociological approaches to study political facts. It was established in 2010 and aims at building an active network of sociologically inclined political and social scientists interested in political topics and at promoting political sociology approaches within political science. He was the recipient of the ECPR Mattei Dogan Prize for distinguished achievements in the field of political sociology (2022).



Cosmos Talk: 29th January 2025

Ciampi Lecture: 10th February 2025

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